

This lovely E46 M3 died unnecessarily. Here's a tip: Stop crossing double yellows and driving like a mad man on a back road you don't know. It's better to go slower and, y'know, have the car survive.

I mean.. obviously.

Is it sexy? Yes. Does it look fast? Yes. Does it feel fast? Yes. Is it mid-engined? Yes. But is it supercar fast? not really. but i would still take a NSX Type-R in a heartbeat over most Ferraris.

Last Starfighter Zando-Zan anyone?

Alfa Romeo 8C Comptezione.

Ve are zorry you ordered a Mini with ze automatic, because ve don't think you deserve to drive zis car ve have omitted ze flappy-paddles. Please order a new mini with ze correct gearbox.

What the heck does it have to with me?

THIS. + a million

RUF CTR Yellowbird!

Park in a handicapped spot, and you get what you get, which should include assault charges...

that's it

Ding ding ding, we have a winner!

I think this wins.

Big +1

+1 vote

This is one of the first cars I fell in love with as a kid in this exact color.
