Genius Level Idiots

Its the other way around. Time Warner merged with Charter and its the TWC customers who are waiting to see how that will go.

Wrong. They can’t perform DPI on encrypted traffic. That does not mean there is not valuable meta data in your requests.

I wonder if his appearance changed to match that of the races whose life energy he sapped, or if that is what the original race themselves looked like. I am guessing it made him look more like the victims considering he started turning human again after draining a few humans.

Id like to coin the term ‘Harasshole’.

Do I have to pronounce it as jif or as gif?

Its the part where you are delusional.

Lol ohhh he caught pokemon that are exclusive to his area..... for a game that will more than likely shut down because of all of the bugs and lack of public relations.

Except it is a waste when you can literally do the exact same thing at home. The only part of his trip that wasnt mundane or something he could easily repeat at home, was a near civil war breaking out in front of his apartment.

Counter to your counter: He didnt see any of it because he was too busy looking at his phone.

Sounds pretty awesome. We have a little more wiggle room at mine. We just do network telemetry and operational assurance type stuff. We help the internet greybeards cast their magic lol.

At my job we are trying to hire backend, frontend, sysop, techop engineers and its hard. Its a super stable company with a next generation product and a formidable portfolio of clients.... yet we have not been able to find good candidates. I am not in California, so I can imagine they are rarer here, but while we are

Everyone says the movie was “fun”, but my question is, “Was the movie*good*?”.

They both have the best words.

As a developer, I can tell you that they just don’t toss in patches. Even if the fix takes only a handful of minutes to apply, building the patch and testing its deployment among other patches takes time. For a map bug that literally has no impact on the game and is not something you accidentally execute, I doubt it

Maybe. I agree the map could be modified easily, but with every fix added, it comes with a lengthy QA process. Due to various fees that platforms charge to developers, the salaries of the devs, the salaries of their supervisors/whoever signs off, a simple patch can cost anywhere from a few thousand dollars to nearly a

This guy seems like a wanker.

I feel like Gorror seems more right.

Without arrow keys???

Lobsters tend to taste a little gamey after 75 years.

I doubt its a call center since this person said they rarely interact with anyone outside of the office other than the extremely occasional phone call. Also though, this person never once said they attempted to wear whatever the fuck ever, obviously in the first image she was wearing an outfit that would be considered