Genius Level Idiots

You just compared something to a work that *was* completed to a work that you acknowledged will *never* be completed.

Nexus can piss off. I got banned because I was trying to port mods from the PC version of FO3 to the PS3 version after the jailbreak came to light. They banned me for “illegal activity” which is hilarious because I own the GOTA edition on the PC, the regular and the GOTA edition on PS3. I bought the game literally

In all likelihood, it was developed in parallel with the main game (which would likely be worked on by salaried employees).

Now playing

I still think that Minesweeper movie would have been good.

There is no point. The person clearly is a dumb smelly pseudo-intellectual asshole, whose mere existence shows their statement about evolution is flawed.

TL/DR but I am assuming it says aluminum is non toxic as its well known those Alzheimer studies were not conducted very well. But the fact remains, its banned in California, because California.

Its banned in California.

Those islands were sinking. Everybody knows climate change is fake.

One thing we can agree on is, everything in the 70's starts off like porn.

First rule of Spider Man, tell everyone the origin story of Spider Man.

But damn , they will look cool.

I am disappoint.

Judgine by the fact that these things are extremely rough looking, I am assuming he stacked pieces to make them look like pokemon. Look at the PokeBall. It is just made of red and white hexagons.

That is bullshit. StarCraft, case and point. Horribly unbalanced until BroodWar was released which made it the most badass RTS of recent memory.

You guys forgot to tag this as “Sponsored”.

Man, he wasted his trolling on the wrong celebrity. Amy Schumer is barely interesting.

Yet, they dont regulate supplements...

Ya man, the elusive chicken wing bandit has been keeping me up at night.

First rule of Strange Club is to not talk about Strange Club.