I felt like Will Smith in "Enemy of the State." I was being hunted, harassed and stalked by criminals with…
I felt like Will Smith in "Enemy of the State." I was being hunted, harassed and stalked by criminals with…
The irony is that this story will probably do more to hurt their business than any kind of negative review on some random website, no matter how frequently it is used.
Are you similarly confused about why some heterosexual males feel attracted to a homoerotic relationship between two women? Because while there are no doubt many varied complex explanations for each, neither is confusing if you just take it at its most basic: oh look, two hot people of the gender I find attractive…
I read that description of their first date and actually let out an "Awwwww" and then was consumed with jealousy.
Last night on her show, Rachel Maddow addressed Rand Paul's comments from over the weekend when the Senator, while…
I love that, for all the terribly shitty things he said, this is what annoyed you enough to comment. And I'm being completely sincere. Thank you.
The worst and most frustrating story you'll read about rape in America this week took place in Maryville, Missouri.…
Odd. I only use my deep voice to correct the dogs when they're eating stuff they shouldn't, like pencils or their own feces.
A low voice isn’t just a titillating hint that a man has crappy sperm — it may also be a tool for warding off sexual…
I don't see the big deal. I had children so I too could have unpaid assistants. Since we don't have much rain here my umbrella technician is my wine fetcher. It's not fair you have to be famous to have minions.
I know everyone is really rage-y about this, but that whole statement makes me sad. First of all, it doesn't surprise me to see another abuse victim defend their abuser. Here's someone who, as a young, defenseless child, was victimized by abuse AND now thinks it is OK. That is basically how abuser manipulation work;…
I was so rage-filled, I couldn't succinctly say what I should have. Thanks for doing it for me.
Having also been a 14-year-old girl, if any of my friends had been having sex with a teacher, I would have known that was sketchy as fuck.
That much anger for someone you have never even met? Bullet dodged is putting it lightly. I hope he doesn't have her address or anything. Also "be respectful"? People are allowed to change their minds. That guy should not be dating ANYONE.
I completely agree with everything you've written here. Beautifully said.
I'm a gay woman living in NYC and I'm voting for de Blasio for a multitude of reasons. However, if Quinn gets elected I will definitely feel proud of my city for electing a gay (female) mayor. This doesn't mean I don't deplore the fact that Quinn chose to portrait McCray as a homophobic crusader when really:
Is anyone else having a "there but for the grace of god go I?" moment? I mean, I never did anything that went nearly this far, but anecdote time:
Having a daughter and reflecting on some of the dumb shit I pulled as a teenager makes me feel all kinds of feels when I read this. I had a friend in high school who was raped in the middle of a crowded party and no one intervened. That sort of thoughtlessness and failure to help your fellow (wo)man has haunted me for…
So even if she did have an affair with him, how does that not make her a victim? He was a close friend of her parents, that makes him a predator who took advantage of a young girl's infatuation. She may very well have had a crush on him but I have a really hard time believing she'd be a willing participant in the…