
Straight razors! Buy one good one and it will do you a life time and them you leave it to your grandkids. You'll save thousands. I'm guessing, I dunno how much you'd spend on blades. Get a brush and proper soap too and save a pile there too.

My husband buys those blades that had like 5 blades and go on the vibrating razor for around $50 at costco. Ridiculous. Totally and completely ridiculous.

Maybe if your razors weren't ridiculously expensive, people wouldn't minimize the amount of shaving they do.

I have gotten in serious trouble with my people over the fact that I am completely in love with John Oliver and I prefer him to Jon Stewart. People are trying to disown me and are re-writing their wills over this. I'm cool with that, because JOHN OLIVER. What's not to love? Dimples. Glasses. Floppy hair.

Can we all just agree to get over this breastfeeding in public thing? Please? I'm sure there are still people who are offended by seeing a woman's ankles or a gay couple holding hands but at some point you have to realize the world has moved on and shut the hell up!

Yeah, why no George Reeves? Apart from The Superfriends, old 50's Superman re-runs were my first exposure to Superman on TV back in the 70s and 80s.

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Not bad, but nothing will ever beat this, my favorite condom commercial ever. Or, just favorite commercial, period.

When he died my parents sat me down to break it to me gently. I cried. I knew he was an actor but crap, he was SUPERMAN! My hero!

sooo we're all just gonna give the finger to this guy then?

Sincerity: I don't see it in his words. I see a person staring lovingly in the mirror describing the better person he sees born from his mini mistake.

holy shit my reading comprehension failed me. Probably because I replied to something similarly worded to your statement but in the other direction seconds ago on Reddit. Please excuse my foolishness I'm promptly deleting. Sincerest apologies

This is clearly a compulsion. Not only did he continue doing it when he was forced to resign, but he kept doing it when he was planning his mayoral run. No rational person or person with self-control would do that if he had a desire to return to office or public life. He can't help it. And, part of me thinks he enjoys

Well, luckily, Casey is the case that Roe v. Wade should have been, and is generally the underpinning of most abortion cases nowadays, though it obviously still has issues as well.

Well, when I moved here we had twenty years of awesome democrats for governor and our teacher's salaries were on the rise. Now that I have kids and can't move, they started this shit. Jr. Koch brother Art Pope runs this state with his pocketbook.

That's why I do it.When I had my abortion the clinic escort was like a fucking amazing ROCK of kindness. If I can be that for even one person I feel like I've done my job as a human.

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How dare you one-up somebody's moral high ground with a better justified one!

Thank you for staying in the South to fight for women's rights. Thank you SO MUCH for escorting vulnerable women and girls at the clinic. Doing this has more meaning than you will ever know. I am not exaggerating when I say that I owe my life and my sanity to a compassionate and sweet clinic escort. Thank you.

I'm a self respecting, democrat woman who loves her bodily autonomy and can afford to move, and I live in the south. I live in the south to protest for women who cannot afford to move, I live in the south and am a clinic escort( and I make post procedure blankets for women who use abortion sevices too). I stay in the