

Well unfortuently that’s their problem, they fucked up, not us.

They had no right to publish it, its leaked documents for a game that was still two years away from release, its not theirs to do what they want with.

Many of these are features other MOBAs have had for years. This isn’t Riot being passionate, its playing catch up.

Its pretty depressing since a lot of the writing was fairly good from what I’ve read. The emergency Wolverine kit and getting into an argument with one of the most powerful beings in the universe about linguistics were funny.

If the art was done in a different style I might not have dropped it so early, but its just so urgh.

Its surprisingly, the next starwars is going to make all of the money for a few years, the merchandising is going to outdo Frozen and yet they got it at a steal for 4 billion.

They could always get a job, that’s some pretty decent money.

I don’t think it should be in a game

Look at how the bullet spread works on the guns, its all about managing the weird ways the guns work in the game and using adderall popping skills to headshot everything.

ROM hackers have been making crazy mario levels for years, most of these aren’t even as painful as some of the things floating around.

Yeah fuck interesting uses of game mechanics.

Yeah GTA3 was something else.

Australia already wrecked their economy.

Digimon seems like they just fucking do it instead of focus on things like design consistency and originality. Its a crazy brilliant solution that works slightly more than it doesn’t and is always amusing and charming somehow.

In this new era of storytelling, story trumps explanations.

Or people could just hire slavs to do the dev work, slav magic is serious shit.

I’ve played a bunch of this back when it was just a few maps and barely anyone playing, its good fun and definitly needs to do well. Buy it.

Slightly more mutants.

Anet weren’t allowed to do it due to publisher reasons until recently.