At least someone is trying to do something remotely interesting with MMOs these days. Now release on PC please.
At least someone is trying to do something remotely interesting with MMOs these days. Now release on PC please.
Didn’t Magneto kill a Scott Phoniex earlier at some stage?
Wisp can do a similar thing but with one person, two if a lifestealer is involved.
Although a team with travels 2 sending in a meepo clone would be pretty horrifying. The 9 man ganks would be beyond real.
Origin does some things better and some things worse, I like Origin much better than I did when it first came out though.
Some people are actually capable of taking back their self control.
Code coders are worth their weight in gold, someone that is half competent in one language and works in gaming is worth nothing. Unless you build engines.
Videogames are not the industry for money for IT people, artists do better though.
It was better definitly than Skyrim, just wandering around the environment, the quests were better and the expansion were amazing. Knights of the Nine was also good if you read into the backstory about time traveling missing god powered cyborgs.
Oblivion is a really bad place to start playing TES because of how skills work, the only optimal way to build and not fuck yourself over involves gaming your major and minor skills when you pick them at the start.
Welcome to Marvel comics enjoy your stay.
Its things like turn rate and the attacking/casting animations, there’s no input lag, theres heros that have abilities that actually slow turn rate and stuff like canceling attacks mid animation until you get a crit.
Ground Zeros did it perfectly, aside from the price tag, one major area with lots of room to manuver and try different things.
There isn’t anything wrong with a more structured approach to game and level design, as long as they remember they are designing an interactive world its fine and dandy.
When I found you, you were naught but a pup, abandoned. What happened to your mother? I don’t know. Perhaps we’ll never know.
Call in a tank, drive straight up to the end, S rank.
The difference between most devs and the devs like Kojima that get that games are games and should let you experiment with things it gives you, not say “this is the mechanic, it works only like this, you cannot use it in any way even if it should, we thought of that”.
If only it was any company except Facepunch.
The free market dictated the price, plebeian.
There’s already been an amazing GiTs game, EYE Divine Cybermancy.
You haven’t been reading All Star Section 8? Its just a giant piss take at DC’s expense.
Or maybe a word filter that can be turned on by players, or some way of muting other players that are abusive so you can ignore them perhaps?