
I like how this game is actually doing it right, instead of going "steal the medicine and be a bad person or don't steal it and let a person die you bad person" it leaves it up to you to feel bad about your actions.

Go gluten free or go to jail masterbating

Metzen is a hack that doesn't understand markets.

Sony are the only company that can get away with releasing the same game 3 times in less than 2 years.

I would rather they get a false deployment every once in a while than some nutjob shoots his family to death and starts blowing people away on the street.

Moon Guard

You clearly don't read the comics.

Ayy Lmao

but I don't feel like a game this graphic is going to help the cause of video games being taken seriously as a medium.

Stop doing free shilling and enjoy the free content.

I want Dr Don and Dr Dan in Smash.

Metroid: Other M also had some pretty terribly written everythings.

Just shows why player agency isn't a buzzword and is a thing that videogames need to engage people properly.

They should do a Chinese AC game, Romance of the Three Kingdoms with assassins involved would be the greatest thing ever.

At the rate they were losing money Nintendo would still have lasted longer than Sony and Microsoft in the gaming market. They are not going to enjoy the next 20 years.

Literally reading lines from TV Tropes and Wikipedia doesn't exactly make someone a critic.

Its a huge fucking industry that makes billions of dollars a year, its bigger than the music and movie industries.

This is just like one of my newgrounds flash games!

Kotaku's real advantage is that they usually review games more like the magazines, so they actually talk about the game and if its good or bad.

I love that everyone always cries about how bad of a game it was, when if you spent 30 seconds figuring shit out and going off the beaten track (or river) it becomes one of the most unique FPS games you will ever play.