"People here are more obsessed with their work than anything."
"People here are more obsessed with their work than anything."
New Vegas wasn't actually finished, there was supposed to be more legion content and more about the whole NCR good/Legion bad thing was supposed to be subverted way more, the factions were much more than black and white (except for the powder gangers they were bad guys all along) if you do the different endings,…
This just in, Modern Warfare is art. Hipsters rage futilely because nobody takes their cinematic experiences seriously.
A lot of the people against Gamergate are people that don't like videogames and want them to become hipster artforms unfortunately, a lot of the people supporting Gamergate don't play videogames anymore because they spend so much time fighting with the other guys.
The only difference between a religion and a cult of personality is that one worships a living being and the other has tax except status.
Actually gamergate didn't come around until 4chan had funded a feminist group to mess with Zoey for trying to get them shut down and a Baldwin took their side.
To be fair its not like this doesn't happen to every single grassroots movement, its just that on the internet everything is like 100,000 times more intense and faster, so unlike the good 60+ years it took for idiots to overwhelm feminism it took all of 6 weeks for gamegate to explode
Before gamergate devolved into a mass of rabid infighting and misdirection they sorta had a point that tabloid websites that make clickbait articles and cosy up to developers are a problem, also that SJWs were bad and discredited legitimate movements.
Autism, one hell of a drug
I would like to mention that not only has #gamergate been dead for 2 weeks but it was a headless thing with no leader or individuals of note, anyone claiming to be is an outsider MRA that attempted to hijack it for their own gain.
What do you do in it?
Terrible games always get a pass if they are artsy enough.
I bet he runs out of money before release.
Yeah back in the "3D Era" there were a bunch of awesome side missions that basically gave you a massive bonus for completing them.
The problem is that Big Boss isn't James Bond, where Naked Snake sort of is, he talks way less in the new "dark and edgy" installment, they need to have someone that can actually do motion capture work to express the character through body language, and Hayter isn't really the best person to sell that.
The Warriors, that is all you need to know.
Sakurai is a waifu hack and needs to have someone fix his Lucas syndrome.
Kotaku does not accept any sort of deals like this
Uhh noooooooooooo, dota is plenty popular, this is called a LoL clone because it is literally a clone of LoL mechanically and aesthetically, it doesn't have the less cartoony art style of dota and the entire gameplay featured is almost identical to LoL.
Can't you just do what you do in the other Sims games and marry him into your family and have reaper babies?