Gene Sanchez Leeds

Waiting for it.

I don’t know how they fly with these between their legs...

Every reasonable climate scientist on the planet agrees, but the extremely forward thinking and infinitely wise Chinese military, of all people, are your bellwether for conspiracy.

So she went as a Kardashian?

Aww. Another angry little Putinbot.

Does it bother the Russian people that their country is not capable of producing any of their new military equipment designs in meaningful numbers?

Does it scare the Russian people that NATO and other US Allies spend more than 10x on Defense what Russia does? And if they really wanted to their economies could support much much more.

How does Russia feel about massive forced Chinese immigration and China defacto-annexing of Russian lands?

How do the Russian people feel about their aging Soviet military which is completely inadequate to directly confront NATO?

How do Russians feel about the fact that 25% of their men never reach age 50?

How do the Russian people feel about the plummeting value of their currency?

What are the feelings of the Russian people on their standard of living that is slightly lower than that of Libya based on HDI numbers?

Does the rampant and destructive alcoholism concern the Russian people?

the united states would most likely have large swathes of rural land relatively unscathed in the event of WW3 its cities would mostly be toasted though. russia/china would be most likely totally destroyed with only a few hundred thousand citizens remaining alive. russian/chinese shitty missile build quality would keep

Does the shrinking population and fact that the average Russian male is likely to die by the age of 65 concern the Russian people?

Do you get paid in raw potatoes or in liters of Vodka?

How much does Putin pay you per post?

How is the weather in St. Petersburg little Putinbot?

Nah. The fact that we can annihilate all the little Putinbots and everything they have ever cared about keeps us safe.

Calm down little Putinbot. We can do the same thing to you.