This racing business will get out of control. It will get out of control and we’ll be lucky if we don’t lose the pink slip.
This racing business will get out of control. It will get out of control and we’ll be lucky if we don’t lose the pink slip.
Close enough for Sarah Palin to see?
Hey China, when you went sailing by Alaska, which actually IS recognized sovereign territory, how much whining and grandstanding did we do? Hypocrisy isn’t exactly going to help your case here guys.
We used to play this chicken game with the Russians back in the ‘80’s. We were careful to turn off radars and to aim weapons down to the deck to preclude any excuse for a “misunderstanding” and I thought both sides, at least the men on the ships if not the men back at headquarters, pretty-well understood the game. I…
There was no SOFA post 2011, that is publicly why we withdrew. I was in Iraq for all of 2011 and was one of the last high-ranging officers to depart in December of that year. I sat on a steering committee as part of the Strategic Framework Agreement team at the US Embassy in Baghdad and I can tell you that the…
All I can think of looking at that headshot is that those are the eyes of someone who has seen far too many things that no one should have to see, but knows that someone has to do the job.
Still a better use of his time than what he had to do for 11 hours yesterday.
That's about the scariest sentence I've ever heard, in or out of its intended context.
especially in this day and age, thats not something that is ever good to hear
oh jesus christ the Republicans were right!!!
Pretty. 10/10 would own.
Hence the “Well, at least they aren’t Republicans” viewpoint. The standard is basically at “don’t make jokes about Asians eating dogs” right now.
All of these descriptions were amazing, but the Ben Carson one was my favorite.
I will take any of these sad sacks over Mike “I support the rights of men to stick their fingers in the vaginas of their four year old sisters” Huckabee, Ben “be vewy vewy quiet i’m hunting wuslims ahahaha” Carson or that Grand Lord Of The Ompaa Loompas Donald Trump.