Oh good, you guys covered my comment. Silly, silly post. If your experience watching your friends have a great time with their Android phones makes you want one, sell your iPhone and get an Android phone.
Oh good, you guys covered my comment. Silly, silly post. If your experience watching your friends have a great time with their Android phones makes you want one, sell your iPhone and get an Android phone.
@Platypus Man: I do that sometimes. Didn't realize it was annoying. Glad you mentioned it. Wonder if we know each other. :-)
I sure hope Apple never cuts a deal with T-Mobile. I don't want to lose my unlimited plan.
VOTE: Adblock Plus
If the heinous-redesign-from-hell hadn't killed discussion, this is where you'd find liberals speaking out against the propaganda machine that is News Corp and Tea Partiers calling them Nazis for doing so.
VOTE: AdBlock
Just spotted this on the tweet machine. In case you were wondering with this massive redesign FAIL is doing to gawker site traffic: [twitpic.com]
OMFG is that what that was? I use adblock (per a suggestion years ago by... let's see what site was that... oh yeah LIFEHACKER) so to me it just like the page load was hung. the whole page was greyed out by a pseudo modal dialog while the ad was not playing.
Aye, there's the rub. I used to love to read gawker sites while eating lunch at my desk at work. I'm just going to switch to reading in google reader.
So many security posts today. Are you going to do one for the Gawker server admins too with basics like "keep your server software up to date, all of it"?
I just looked at my browsing history and compared before redesign to post-redesign. Lifehacker used to be in my top 3 sites for daily page views. My usage has dropped A LOT since the redesign only a few days ago. You can of course assume I'm not alone. I'd love to be a fly on the wall at the meeting in March when…
Is it just me or at first glance does "Pen.io" not look like it should be pronounced "pee nee oh"? Branding FAIL.
Since when does using available search operators qualify as 'hacking'? Maybe I'm just still irritated by this crappy UI, but that just really rubs me the wrong way. At least my kids will be impressed when I tell them I taught their grandma how to 'hack'. *rolls eyes*
""Scraping people's information violates our terms," ummm, yeah, unless you're an advertiser or an app creator you mean? What a joke.
So now Murdoch wants people to pay for his hyperpartisan rightwing propaganda repackaged as 'news'? Um, no thanks Rupert. No thanks.
Vote: Analog Rolodex
honest answer is NSFW
@maven2k: Aye, there's the rub. You'd need a time machine to travel back in time to actually make this hack relevant to life.
As someone with over 30 years in the theater and an MFA in acting, let me caution anyone reading this not to try to apply acting techniques to your real life outside of an acting class, rehearsal or performance.
@GitEmSteveDave: :-) In the book the machine has 5 seats. Makes for far more interesting interactions between nations than in the screenplay. Also in the book the matthew mcconaughey character is based on billy graham, rather than being a lust/love interest and they have a foucault's pendulum thing instead of an…