"Would you pay to save Xmarks?" Nope. Someone will come along and fill the void. Several someone's most likely. And they'll do it open source without hope of fame and fortune and therefore it will endure.
"Would you pay to save Xmarks?" Nope. Someone will come along and fill the void. Several someone's most likely. And they'll do it open source without hope of fame and fortune and therefore it will endure.
If only it came with hardware and software for EEG, EKG, Oximeter etc for us severe apnea sufferers. :-)
@Skorpeyon: :-) Indeed!
This project also requires that you be well inebriated in order to get into a state of mind capable of deciding to spend so much time and energy to embark upon it.
Wow. There must be a market pressure (or several) at play for them to backtrack on this. Might be that Android phones are now vastly outselling the iPhone and are expected to overtake iPhones much sooner than once thought: [www.pcworld.com]
@FredicvsMaximvs: Spot on.
I got active in theatre at age 13 and stuck with it for 25 years (until I had kids and needed to focus on steady income.) I learned at an early age that if you're 2 minutes late you screw up the entire rehearsal schedule for the night, possible for the rest of the week. And if you're late for a call time for a…
@Jayson Wiser: I guess perhaps we read different articles. I was commenting on a post which included this phrase: "a great shortcut for resizing the columns in any Windows application that supports detailed view" and the thumbnail that appeared with the link when it first appeared in the feed showed an image of…
Good software making us stupid. A concept visited frequently since the the electronic calculator reached ubiquity.
Those commenting about WPA2's supposed bulletproofness, please get caught up with more recently realities: [bit.ly]
@zkam: Thanks, but how is that a keyboard shortcut?
This doesn't work in Excel 2007. Ctrl and numpad + in Excel 2007 is a shortcut for insert cell.
That's got to be $75k for a single person. The happihess level is well above $75 for a single-income family of 4.
Unless of course the smell of the toxic chemicals in dryer sheets gives you an instant headache so you don't keep them in your home.
I want. I need. Gimme.
I just pinged a friend at google who is working on chrome. he can't say much of course but he gave me a good "hahahahahaha" and a "if only it was April 1" and pointed out how the MSM are quoting bloggers. This makes me seriously doubt whether we'll be seeing any chrome tablets this year. We'll be swimming in Android…
@happinessiseasy: i think maybe i'm allergic to trolls. i'm having a reaction.
surprising to see here. i would guess that a Venn diagram of lifehacker users and hotmail users would show only a tiny sliver of overlap.
The last question in this post needs a link to [speedtest.net] appended to it. :-)