
Yeah, sounds great on paper doesn't it? Those of us who've experienced real poverty know that a change of perspective ain't gonna pull you out of a bad day.

Count me among those that tried both ChompSMS and Handcent SMS and stuck with Handcent.

yes please! looks frawsome. i have the technolust for the tab candy

Please don't burst my bubbles of denial. I need them. k. thx. bai.

Or you could just email the apk to yourself as an attachment.

But Steve Jobs tells me that his products are secure, so how can this be true? ;-)

Primary reasons I root my Android devices:

The Nexus One is Dead. Long Live the Nexus One.

have been using it some lately and enjoying it but haven't come close to exploring it all. I've been wavering between fully committing to it or going back to see if i like evernote better than i did a year or so ago. anon, i'm torn.

@CyberRanger: The choice is up to you cuz they come in two classes: rhinestone shades and cheap sunglasses.

@Korrupt: sheesh. once we'd bought our books the only things we had to worry about finding to use in the late '80s were good drugs.

Wow. Buying gear for school is a hell of a lot more expensive than it was when I started college a mere 24 years ago.

Social media integrated into an email client that is used primarily for work email? That seems a little... stooopid.

Sounds great. Would love to check it out but the site is behaving in a very slashdotted way at the moment. looks like they're not yet ready to take the traffic spikes that result from a post like this on a site like this.

I'm a mint user, but this poll makes me wonder, should the Hive Fives results say "most popular" rather than 'best' since everyone just votes for the one they're using at the time?

@shosh: "when android becomes bigger than the iPhone" happened in May: []

Android users can accomplish the same with [] or even