Gelver Aragon

cemetery & electricity?.....we might get some zombie(Frankenstein style) dlc.

this year: Enslaved, Dead Rising 2, and Lord of the Shadows.

@Tom29193: points? PSN doesn't use points.

@GrYnder: I do believe there is intelligent life in other planets, and we might not be able to go to them in the near future, but they might be able to come to us. there might even be civilizations that are billions of years ahead of us in technology...

this is a much better size comparison

I will be a smartass and say that the egg was first...... the chicken egg may have come after the chicken, but there were eggs before chickens even existed.

@the7k: it is easy to install and it doesnt void the warranty

@Zom-B: I agree with you...I liked Flower, but I don't think it should be one of the first games to buy....PixelJunk Shooter on the other is a much! much! greater experience

@BeerManMike: the only thing is the lack of cross game voice yeah...nothing

@Cthulhuh: this is Kotaku!! not Microsoft

Nice Move Sony! Maybe some people will buy a Playstation Eye just to make videos and upload them to Youtube and/or Facebook, then they might buy the Playstation Move, since they would already have the camera.

@Laertus: yes!!! Jak and Daxter trilogy would be amazing!! Jak and Daxter is still my favorite franchise(but I did not like Jak X that much), next to Uncharted, and God of War.

idea: classics HD box art photoshop contest.

@Jimmy_Jazz: actually, the ps3 can support 7 bluetooth devices at once. so, you can have 4 players at the same time, is just that one of them will not be able to use 2 Moves, or a move and a would be 3 player with sub-controllers and Move, or 2 Moves, and the last person with just the move or a

@cobrajoe: i have not used swype, but they look identical, and I haven't had any problems with ShapeWriter, I also like how easy it is to change between languages.

sorcery looks really fun!!! will get that when it comes out, as well as KZ3 and Heroes on The Move!!