Gelver Aragon

@Xcite79: correction: :"only on playstation 3" not "only one playstaion 3"

@cinnamonster: try ShapeWriter. it is the same as Swype, and it is available for free.

I've been using ShapeWriter for a while now, and it is similar to swype. you should try it, it is really amazing. it is available for free.

@Maestar: haha...I think the voice says: "They've returned"

I haven't played video games in about a month now, but I just got a 55" Sony HD(1080p) TV and will go back to games now. It looks so beautiful!!! before I had a 31" 720p Panasonic.!!!!

this looks way better on the ps3 (the cover I mean) because of the black!

@baeshin: what?!?! I love the trilogy. It was amazing. I'll take Jak and Daxter over Ratchet and Clank any time.!!!! Jak and Daxter is my favorite Franchise ever....well, next to Uncharted, and God of War.

The thing I enjoyed the most in inFamous was the jumping around looking for the shards after I finished the story! now I have to finish it on hard and as an Evil person! yey!

@Skyman113: i guess one of his new power is "shapeshifter" o.O

@Levo: I think that is the reason why he doesn't make games for the PS3; it would take time to learn how and he would not have time for McDonald's.

@NYManc: I've come.....wait, what?

@Antiterra: I've come to accept that the internet pretty much hates. (:

Idea : Kotaku should have a Photoshop contest for the PlayStation Move. I hate seeing people hating on the Move; saying that it looks too much like the Wiimote. How else would it be? it needs that shape for it to be comfortable, I believe. and the bobble on top looks pretty dope!!

@thepenguin55: your comment is one of the few that are about the article and it is an important one, and it got ignored. Everyone else are just talking about how much they hate the Move, or complaining about the shape, or saying that it is a ripoff of the Wiimote. This shows how much people like "trolling". BTW:

I though the guy at the end was going to be screaming for a about 1 min before he got killed. It remained me of Peter Griffin from Family guy when he gets hurt!

@Auouywonz: "Came" and Ejaculated" in the same sentence. +1

@PwnofProphecy: They will always find a way to take you weapons!! that is like the sex minigames; they will always happen!