Seriously. People need to stop depicting rape of a woman as a way injure the man who loves/owns her.
Seriously. People need to stop depicting rape of a woman as a way injure the man who loves/owns her.
This is incredibly satisfying. Nothing is more wonderful than the idea of misogynists having to admit their misogyny to the one woman who they think is somehow different. It's a beautiful thing.
There's a lot going on in this story. Rape culture. Male entitlement. The horrifying fact that people are carrying guns around for no damn reason.
This guy is going to kill someone someday. Heaven help anyone in front of him in line who gets the last cookie or movie ticket.
WARNING: This is an angry rant!
What I'm so tired of is when a person or group of people spouts racist, fatphobic, misogynistic, transphobic or homophobic crap like they're being SUBVERSIVE and EDGY because they think it's fucking cool or something.
No. You're just like 90% of the rest of the world. You're a tired old…
Fuck Texas; fuck anti-choicers; fuck "prayer" being part of a police investigation; fuck abstinence-centered sex education; and fuck leaving women in crisis (or, in this case, children in crisis!) with no viable options, letting them suffer alone, and then treating them like criminals for doing what they have to do.
Dallas police reportedly "swarmed" a high school after a "possible fetus" was found in the bathroom, and announced…
There is as statistic somewhere that shows risk of violence and death increases when women leave their abuser. Some women stay because it's the safest thing for them to do.
Oh, cool. A devastating end to a shithead summer
Also it didn't even get hot enough to go to the beach!
So, summer as usual- but now everyone has received a virtual slap in the face about it.
Maybe corporations are classified as super-people because they're something men can give birth to.
Even if you think she's the worst actress the Hollywood pipeline ever excreted (I happen to think she's fine), it's still vaguely distasteful to sneer at a woman for not giving you the facial expressions you think she should. Kristen Stewart doesn't owe you smiles.
Lifehack: when you buy your mattress have the mattress guy put like, two hundred pairs of sheets on. When you pull off the last one, get a new mattress. #simplify
Oh, I laughed and cried reading this. I just went through this with two of my sons. I saw they rented Lord Of The Flies and To Kill A Mockingbird. Ohhhhhh, helllll noooooo. I made them read the books and asked them questions as they read for proof.
I like how this article, from the first sentence, rides the line between being a wake-up call and being a self-fulfilling prophecy.