
Also what isnt being mentioned is the fact that one of NJ’s biggest industries is... Pharma. We have something like 50 different small and large Pharma companies in the state. A bill like this would seriously damage NJs economy.

He was not, and apparently neither is Leslie Jones. Because apparently Hollywood hasn’t gotten the message that black people go to college now, too.

Again not saying racism doesn’t exist. But I do wonder if blacks have told themselves that they are oppressed so much that they begin to believe those thoughts.

Now playing

Here’s my fav bit—when they go into the Emerald City and everybody is doing a version of Madonna’s “Vogue.”

Use of administrative data (like the Medicare data used in this analysis) is challenging - the data set used by ProPublica doesn’t include all the data needed to do a robust risk adjustment. As an example of a data set that does collect enough data is the National Surgical Quality Improvement Program (https://www.facs.

I'm so tired of the people won't watch porn if there's condoms in it bull. People will watch porn. They will watch it with a fox, in a box, on a train, in the rain, black and white and rainbow bright. For fucks sake. (Literally!) The argument is really similar to the whole 'boys don't watch movies with girl is the be all and end all of sexy costumes. The sheer number and variety is almost inspiring in its. . . let's go with "creativity." It also led my friends to my favorite new game: Name something not available in sexy form on Yandy. Last year, my friend won with "Mitt Romney."

Idris Elba can play Lady Macbeth for all I care. Dude is awesome.

I guess if you're brown you only need to kill one person to be labeled a terrorist.