
Is Luke Cage going to be exploring Washington Heights because every other week, they are shutting down the roads up here to film. I love them filming but moving my car every time is no bueno.

So the street smart character is once again black while the book smart characters are white. Black people do go to college. Black people do earn PhDs. Black people do become scientists.

So how long until Sia does a promo shoot inspired by this?

This aint ever coming to anything above 103rd street in manhattan. Lets be real.

THANK YOU!! If anything we must be giving praise to Willi Ninja who introduced Madonna to Vogue. It means so much to me to see ballroom culture included in something like this.

While you question about institutionalized racism in the wizarding world, I wonder about different types of magic. If witches and wizards came to the united states from Europe, they might know magic that we are familiar with in the Harry Potter universe. But what about people with magic from the African diaspora? Will

In order for this service to really work, they need to partner with the New York Public Library because it archives all broadway shows. They don’t even have to show current shows but if they had shows that had big title stars or shows that have never had a revival like “Jelly’s Last Jam” starring Gregory Hines, this

This doesn’t surprise me. I grew up in Cobb County where we had a sticker that talked about evolution being a theory in the front of our biology textbooks. When we covered that section, we were given the option of leaving class or staying in class for that part. Half my class sat out in the hall studying their bibles.

This was clearly a retaliation killing. Drake KILLED Meek with “Charged Up” and “Back to Back” and so Meek figured he could get back at all of Canada by putting a hit out on this poor innocent robot. Just another victim caught in the crossfire.

This seems to be a much better use of the segway technology than for an actual segway. While it would be for a niche market just imagine the uses it could have for the disabled community. If Dean Kamen was still involved with Segway, I wonder if this would have been something he would have thought up. I mean he did

This was incredibly helpful. I have been a medical simulation technician for 5 years and have seen the things that med students, residents and fellows go through in regards to education. Lately, I have been thinking about taking the plunge into getting ready to apply to medical school and all the doctors I know told

This is real cute and I think that it would great around Times square and other more popular areas. HOWEVER, can we just give signage at all the stops to tell us when the next train is coming and how long do we have to wait? I say this because I live in Washington Heights and take the A train on 176th to go downtown

So I should just store my laptop, xbox 360 with all my games and my tv in a storage space until I need them and pull them out? Renter's insurace is not the biggest scam.

THEY MENTIONED GSU IN HERE!!! I really hope they are talking about my Alma Mater Georgia State University. Why am I thrilled about this?

Yes this is dancing it is an art form called Voguing. It is popular in the black gay ballroom culture. However, due to Madonna and other artists it slowly started becoming mainstream. Now this is different than Madonna's vogue because her vogue was old way. This was supposed to be vogue femme and it was a horrible

The fear that one feels as they head down a dark hallway into the unknown is the scariest feeling every. You don't know who is down there. Anybody could be just around the corner waiting to corner you.

I love Google translate. I live in a Dominican heavy area and since I am a light skin black guy everybody assumes I am one of them. So I use Google to translate to pick up what people are asking me or teach me new words.

And to your whole point about not needing "whizz-bang gizmos" to not teach the best, I disagree. While Mama Natalie does provide places that might not have the money for a high fidelty simulator, there are several things that don't help to add to the realism of the situation. Like you have to train somebody to push

Wait until they find out that SimMom has an inverted uterus attachment or that Noelle can bleed 900 ccs of fluid or if run a scenario and forget to lube up Noelle's birthing baby and you see it push out the entire birthing canal or when you accidently hit reset on Noelle and you watch the baby climb back inside of the

I wonder what would of happened if Claude Levi-Strauss, the famous french Anthropolgist, came to do ethnographic research on their tribe. Would he be thought of as a god? But what would happen when he couldn't fulfill the wishes of the people? Would they slaughter him like Piggy in Lord of the Flies for being a false