
I always feel uncomfortable with this topic. Yes, dynamic female characters are underrepresented in fantasy/sci-fi and I would love for that to be fixed. But I'm not sure Doctor Who is the right battleground for that.

This makes absolutely no sense at all. Just because you're developing games doesn't mean you should have to put up with self entitled twats like Beer.

Yes, because developing games means you are literally required to be insulted, mocked and treated like trash on a daily basis like Phil is.

Because you have to pay for a booth and Ouya is cheap.

As a Pastafarian, our God touches all humans, whatever their sexual orientation, with his noodly appendage, and casts no judgment. I don't even judge Mr. Broussard for assuming that "God" means "the Judeo-Christian God of both Old and New Testament", which is shockingly not a universal synonym for "God".