Love it!
Love it!
We appreciate suggestions from our fellow humans! When cats finally rule the planet we will spare you, and allow you to be a "kibble bearer".
Team Cat Headquarters here,
I loved Once Upon a Time UNTIL they made all the kick-*** characters into whiny babies who constantly talk about how love will conquer all and refuse to take responsibility for their choices. It's like having 20 Pipers in one show.
Please don't use the word "retard." It's demeaning and derogatory toward people with intellectual disabilities, like my daughter - who would never think of harming people in this horrific way.
Wait....somewhat complex female characters who AREN'T named Leia in the Star Wars movie universe? My god! Am I in an alternate reality? Sheesh, going by the movieverse, you'd assume all females are either young virgins or old mothers and their lives revolve solely around the doings of men either way.
So my mother keeps telling me. Thanks for noticing!
First Hunger Games now this - this really is Brienne's year - yay tall girls!
"Prominent?" They showed a couple kissing in celebration, which they have shown before. The only thing that makes this "prominent" is that both people in the couple had cocks.
I had a strange man tell me how much prettier I'd look if I wore makeup. I was on the bus and minding my own business. I was also 18 years old at the time.
Ancient world? What the hell are you talking about? I'm 36 and this shit happened to me and does happen to other women. No, you aren't that nice of a guy, not at all. You're not an ally. You're among the worst— because you aren't behaving like the other boors, you can't possibly be one. At least I know where I stand…
When I tried to report my rape, I was confronted with police officers that wanted to know why I was hanging out with boys "dressed like that" (was wearing jeans and a tank top in early June). They asked if I was sure that it was nonconsensual. They asked if I was sure the blood on my clothes and my bruises were from…
As a huge turtle fan I agree with Kellen. The new series is where it's at.
The current nickelodeon series is cool. What's your actual beef with it?
I always forget laundry in the washer, and the next day (or 4 days later...) it smells awful and re-washing it with white vinegar gets out the funk smell. I'm happy I learned that because before I had to dry, re-wash, and then re-dry them to make them smell okay.
I always put the vinegar in the detergent drawer and…
That's actually offensive enough that someone may pursue legal action. If they use Bay-area lawyer Mi Su Yu, that station is fucked.