
Umm... he is only a criminal based on a very vague and mostly unused piece of legislation called the Espionage Act. Which was designed (in 1914) to address US citizens selling (for personal gain) US Government secrets to foreign governments. It is not meant to be used against those that, in the public interest,

Highly unlikely. Obama more than any other president has utilized the Espionage Act to not just convict government whistleblowers but full on RUIN their lives. To the point of sabotaging their ability to get jobs, sending them to prison and even ruining their marriages. F**k the Obama administration, they use easy

Shenmue’s QTE’s were hardly revolutionary. They were used before, Shenmue really just re-introduced them after a decade of non-use.

I bought it when it was released in NA for the DC. I got it because it was suppose to be revolutionary. I played all the way through and never picked it up again. Its not like I was a little tyke either, I was going into university and just found the game to be incredibly monotonous. Sure it had its moments, I’d argue

I picked up Shenmue I on the dreamcast. I still to this day do not understand why this game has such a popular following. The story was a dragged out (dear god the harbour portion was terrible), the controls were crap (as someone has already said) and the quick time events even back then were a gimmick. QTE’s are

I’m probably gonna take some flak for this, but whatever. This is coming from someone who has had several members of his family and friends battle breast cancer, one of which has had a mastectomy and is now awaiting her second. Can we give the breast cancer awareness, charity stuff a rest. Breast cancer is the single

Is it me or is that a Canadian maple leaf with the Olympic rings in it at the bottom of the picture

And this is the man that chairs the Senate committee on Science, Space and Competitiveness. Its so very very sad.

Not to be cynical but this feels like some pampers native advertising on kotaku. Which is kinda disappointing especially since the video is quite good.

This isn't just for RPG's or as you seem to want to insist RPG-7's. Also if you think that these rebels aren't getting RPG-27's (or even 32's) funneled to them you are insane.

The amount of sugar this women is ingesting is ridiculous. She must be doing something physical all day or else her body would be destroying itself. 2L of orange juice is ridiculous. Even with the pulp its over 500 TABLESPOONS of sugar ingested. Just in the OJ. All fruit diets are a serious health risk and I

I don't know much about the sport but I do know a two footed landing. Sotnikova two-footed her third jump in her triple jump sequence. That same sequence was landed flawlessly by Kim. I find it incredibly difficult to accept that one extra jump is enough to cancel out a two-footed and ugly landing compared to the

Is that why they hired the most talented modder prior to darth. Jack Lusted, their lead unit designer was a total war modder. The difference between him and Darth? Jack isn't an asshole.

Being part of the total war community as well this comes down to sour grapes. See Darth as we call him in the community is an asshole. His head is so far up his own ass that he failed to have the requisite personal skills to succeed in a normal work environment. Additionally, for all his grandiose claims most of

I think you are missing an interesting part of the article which does kind of validate her outrage, a tweet from the guy that practically invented the sport:

In contrast to the none survivors, which implies they fought and lost. What? Did they not fight hard enough? Did, if only they had more hope or had as much desire to live as the other survivors they would have made it? That's why my family hates word survivor. Even worse, when someone says they lost their battle to

Some life insurance plans are excellent savings vehicles for retirement if they are priced correctly. Getting a relatively cheap life insurance plan YOUNG is also a benefit that when you are older and less healthy you can have difficulty getting life insurance or your premiums may be higher because you are higher

Now playing

This game is so fun, to bad it is completely full of terrible hackers hell bent on ruining the fun for everyone. Oh well.

He also appeared on TSN in Canada on the weekend during coverage of the Olympic Curling Trials in Winnipeg Manitoba. Which is probably why he stopped off in North Dakota.

His/her point though was to choose a person that meets the conditions of the law in which they could claim discrimination. He/she could have easily have said "lazy, black women, from Tahiti" or "lazy asoian women from Indonesia or "lazy, non-white, women of non-US nationality." People just want to jump on the choice