
Two to three problems.
1. Pacific Rim had an amazing level of support. You couldn't not see the ads.
It was however the odds, placed up against an Adam Sandler film that should have tanked. For whatever stupid reason America chose a shitty sequel to film starring a few dozen burnt out stars.

The problem with new ideas is that nobody seems to want to watch them.

0The problem with Peter Parker being a point dexter is that times have changed.
Being a geek or a nerd just doesn't carry the social stigma it used too.

Yar, it usually is the time they give for testing that matters.
Appears that Ubi was testing since last January(2013) too.

Yes, but it should be discouraged. Attitudes over "your doing it wrong" included.

It is true that there are nerds who cross the line, but it should be shunned.
Bullying isn't cool. Remember when Gabe from penny arcade went after a horrible employee? Sure it was fun seeing a guy get what he deserves, but the company he repped paid the price.

Lets see...*Googles Marcus Beer*

"The 3DS is beyond over rated, gonna get a Vita"

What about the seven dozen or so of us that didn't submit to the iOS regime?

Still a bad idea to go laughing at the guy.
Especially when all he has to do is grab someone waiting in line.
Instant hostage.

It was a core game on the Wii known for it's difficulty.
Released a year or so before the system became super popular.
Combining those two factors you could see why it sold poorly.

Your gonna Love the next strip.

Honestly this is one of the reasons Good Old Games was formed.
To play classic games that are unplayable on current systems.

One of the other posters left a link to an article explaining what exactly dogs see.
Take a look for it, it's really informative.

It's one of the side events if anything.

Probably not, but hey, it's in his name so you gotta give them that.

I was gonna say Wii, but a first gen OUYA would be much better for his rehabilitation.

Who is the publisher?

Gonna be funny to see a shareholder call him on his comments.

I blame the fans who can't make up their mind about which one should be remade first. Be it Dark Cloud 2(chronicles for the non NA readers), Rogue Galaxy or the extreme minority that missed out on Dark Cloud 1(and therefor think it must be the best cause it was the first).