Ho boy, wait till you figure out the newest demographic for Minecraft.
Ho boy, wait till you figure out the newest demographic for Minecraft.
Nintendo has a good relationship with Sega. Despite the whole rivalry thing that seemed to cap out in the 16-bit gen.
He lost weight and looks more top heavy now.
Changing developers should help.
I mean, imagine working on Sonic Team the past two generations.
Exact same game play with no changes to the flaws of the engine.
"Oh look a new revision with no incentive to make a good game".
No 3DS either, but it's not like Rayman Origins sold on the system.
Good to know.
Thanks for splurging on the details and my replies.
You guys think this is the biggest thing anyone has accidentally one click bought?
I mean in general overall.
Do all sets include "decals" and is it over the top on the smaller sets(5+)?
Lego is huge, so I got no doubts they would be way more P/C then my rants.
Just look at their assurances whenever someone raises a point about female figures.
Gawker servers really don't like some pictures...Isn't loading.
Has the overall quality improved in the past decade or so?
Nope, just a few small observations and a strong word or two about a pet peeve.
You could blame Lego Star Wars for the games.
Specifically the prequel trilogy, which had a level from episode 3 a good year or so before it was released. The popularity of that alongside a series of other properties eventually made TT gods among licensed titles this gen.
Also doesn't help that some of their last games…
Isn't it such a shame that the Halo license is held by Mega Bloks then.
I honestly thought for two seconds that this was another alt cover for a new Fiona and Cake comic mini-series.
Not sure about that generation in specific.
Someones likely done something at that level.
It would be sorta funny to see a Zelda game like Rouge Legacy.
That's specifically what everyone is looking forward too.
It isn't that they can't read, it's that they don't even bother.
I mean despite having some regions with almost all of their titles out within a reasonable period, SE managed to hold back titles so it was one every 6-10 months.