
“I bet you watch TLC”

Ya know they don't region lock playstation 3 games(unless its persona 4 arena)?

Did you CALL THEM to verify that they would no longer carry the product?

Even if he couldn't make a profit off of the other two you could suppose that he could have taken a loss or at least come even. It was a gamble that this company did with Ni No Kuni.

Three options:

At what point did you ask them about using it on a potential restock of the game?

No, they care about not being orally raped by a pissed off share holder wondering why the fuck they are spending X amount of dollars on an overly elaborate book.

That doesn't sound too bad, its really nice looking book.

Its a selection from the soundtrack.

Was gonna suggest a different one called Kotaku "prick".

I actually wouldn't blame the guy for thinking they might actually have some copies.

Can you add a new filter for those who want core but not all of the regular stuff?

It's good if it was guys who ya know, got their orders screwed over by some slip up.

He bought them on credit, then sold the other two for enough profit so he could get one paid for himself.

I had to move a few months back, but I did the logical thing and emailed them early in January(first week or so). The main reason why they extended pre-orders seems to have been at the cost of those who missed out on doing that.

Yeah, it has been really stressful for a stupid pre-order.

There are also the guys who forgot to switch their credit cards over in the past few months.

Remember WKC?

Least your doing way better then some of the guy(s) who was(were) on the high horse.

Probably, but I cant confirm till I get my copy.