
Play the demo yet?

It's sorta odd, the packing material shouldn't be that much heavier.

Yes they could, but what if they both held off on releasing a system for another year?

It's way cheaper then the PS3 when it launched, but only the base version costs as much as the 360 did. Both are referring to the crap versions. This isn't even mentioning the missing third party titles that core gamers care for.

When did they realize lawn darts were deadly?

PS2 Classics, so no Vita version...Yet.


Hmm...if you don't get it, think rationally.

I'm thinkin they added the other manual. For the French speakers, however many they are.

When did you order? If it was in the second batch, wait a few days.

Gonna have a laugh and guess your in the States, Eh?

Despite the DEAR FUCKING GOD size of the dl, it's a good move.

Nice, any one else wanna confirm the weight as 3.1lbs?

People are blindly hating Tomb Raider in general due to the whole rape thing that was buzzing around a while back(even if its purely a blind statement). That includes the previous games. Although bad character design is a part of it there too.

So any news if Double Fine was able to pick the rights for their games up?

Oh it'll have Canadians alright, no clue how though.

Don't forget the lady torso for pre-ordering the special edition of its sequel

Could be a few things, a crap adaption of an old cartoon, a boxing game.

Maybe they saw the numbers from The Last Story and the Ni No Kuni pre-orders(and the demand after the window closed[thrice]).

I wouldn't expect anything less then enjoyable from them. Even if it takes a while to get to it. One thing that made WKC great was the voice chat. The one thing they added on at the request of NA players made it a golden opportunity to goof off in a fantastic setting.