So much Kotaku to digest! Can't. handle. the. awesome. #kotaku
So much Kotaku to digest! Can't. handle. the. awesome. #kotaku
I don't understand why people post this sort of comment.
I'd like to believe that if I were this girl's parent, I would pursue justice with a wrongful death suit rather than a stun gun and a pair of sharp scissors.
"I don't know what he's capable of."
The town wasn't destroyed for what two people did, it was destroyed for what so many refused to do.
“Yeah, they’re privileged. But they’ve earned it.”
It's terrible that innocent people were dragged into this, especially the children of the coach. But dammit, they're still treating their high school athletes like demigods. That's a big, big problem, and it IS the fault of the school and greater community.
But the bubble is a lot bigger than Steubenville.
"Adults in Steubenville are sick of thinking about how she [the rape victim] feels." And this is why I still don't feel bad for the people of Steubenville. The lack of introspection is staggering.
Well written article, but those boys' actions weren't the result of being raised in a vacuum, but in a bubble.
Destroyed? I'm sorry, did roving bands of angry feminists come through and burn Steubenville to the ground, salting the earth on the way out? Nope! Two boys were put on trial, convicted, and sentenced. Adults were told to take responsibility for their role in what happened. As for Christmas day death threats, that is…
China wasn't the one attacked, so why should they be sensitive about it?
It wouldn't be hard. I bet you don't even need a subpoena to get Google to hand over the MAC address of the original uploader. They've probably got more than that though if they were able to nail him so quickly.