Each time you guys trot out the “but Democrats don’t have a platform” argument you’re implying that the people that voted the other way are fucking idiots that don’t have two brain cells to rub together.
Each time you guys trot out the “but Democrats don’t have a platform” argument you’re implying that the people that voted the other way are fucking idiots that don’t have two brain cells to rub together.
Any Jezzies out there who’ve quit drinking or are thinking about it? I haven’t been around in a while, but I wanted to pop in because I’m stoked that I haven’t had any booze in 5 months! So far I’ve lost 15 pounds and saved a couple thousand dollars. If you’re thinking about it, check out the stopdrinking subreddit.…
You’re too nice Champ. Let’s simplify all of this:
Admittedly, an alternate title considered for this article.
You gotta have paprika.
I think that’s … more than a little apologist. “Well, he just couldn’t learn how to talk.” Yes, but he has no problem talking over people in quantum theory class. Or political theory class. Or in the boardroom.
How the hell is anything with *coconut* anywhere near the top of this list, let alone number 1? Completely wrong.
Who the fuck even are you people???
Look, I’m penis not here looking for dink a fight, but it’s weiner misandrist comments like dick yours that make peepee it so hard for men boner and women to unite dong against common enemies like 45.
The slow build up to T’challa’s potato salad solution was everything...but we know Shuri would have totally rocked Black Jeopardy better than her big brother.
Am I the only one not in Atlanta who thought he Mike was joking at first?
1. My mama.
I can talk about Saturday afternoon naps like other people talk about Jesus.
Thus far there are no complaints about how I pee on them.
All the evidence is that they cannot.
A black woman with a teenage son told me that several people had sent her the recent Atlanta Journal-Constitution…