
“Where else are you supposed to meet people?” - Tavis Smiley

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Reminds of a Qunita B video where she got it in early and lived happily ever after.

And it’s likely the next generation of this group will vote differently than their mothers and grandmothers.

I see people say this over and over, and the only thing I can say is “so?”.

I love this woman.

It’s also probably a lot of money. Guarantee Trump’s poppin baby aspirins, hypertension meds, viagra, blood thinners, blood thickeners, rogaine, adderall, K, and whatever the hell else, because HOW THE FUCK IS A 71 YEAR OLD MAN STAYING UP ON TWITTER UNTIL 4 AM WHEN I HAVE TO GO TO BED BY 10:30 TO BE A FUNCTIONAL HUMAN

There has been a study done by Dr. Joy De Gruy in an attempt to understand some of the behaviors that affect black people - particularly in the US - attributed to Post-traumatic Syndrome due to slavery. In her work, she relates the affectation in self-esteem, the negative-positive language that mothers use to describe

I learn so much from Kinja I sweaterGod.

My name is Monique. It’s right there in my byline, at the bottom of the article in my bio AND right next to your name in the comment. Don’t play with me. Don’t disrespect my name or the spelling thereof.

I would mock the fact that she’s looking at the panda with more affection and joy than she’s ever looked at Trump, but who among us wouldn’t be more excited to hold hands with a panda than with Trump-Teeny-Todger.

So I honestly feel like I am gonna cry when I see this. Like Hidden Figures cry cause I finally get to see something awesome.

He was mowing at 5 AM?? I’d tackle a neighbor for that

Speaking of Heimdall, why did it take Marvel so long to make Asgard diverse? Maybe I missed it in previous films, but in Ragnarok the crowd scenes are at least diverse enough that Heimdall doesn’t stand out. If they’d just done that from minute one... nah, the dickbags would still have complained.

#12 “I was riiight on the fence of caring about black people but since my feelings got hurt online, they’re on their own” guy

Who said this was about helping a cause? Maybe we just want to have a laugh at your un self-aware ass.

This one and the bernie bro who clearly missed #1: The “I did something nice for black people like 37 years ago and I’m going to continue to bank on that one thing like there’s a ‘did something nice for black people’ craps table and I already cashed out” guy 


What did he expect? Equal treatment?

As a professional educator, let me say to you, with all due respect and professionalism: fuck you.