
Mostly, I read spoilers for the things I don't watch, the things I've given up on watching, or things I have no intention of watching when they come out. Two minutes skimming this page sates my curiosity and saves me tons of time by allowing me to pare down significantly the number of shows that I watch or movies I

Faculty meet with donors. I've worked at two universities and in both cases, faculty met with the higher giving donors (major gifts). In some cases, they were active in the event process, even holding small, intimate gatherings for the very, very major donors in their homes. So being able to charm people in this type

Isn't the walk of shame when you play SNL's "I Just Had Sex..." like it's your anthem, over and over in your head?

Man, I used to love Project Runway. Damn you, Lifetime!

It's Buffy without the Scooby Squad. I'll reserve judgement, see how they handle it, but I'm really hoping someone gets resurrected. Although, it is possible that this is the last season and they decided to end dark? No friends, no family, just SamandDean against the world.

I loved this episode, but.

Every once in a while some story line or surgery from Grey's will pop up in real life and I'm all like, wait... what? Wasn't that... isn't this... Fiction? Ahhh, worlds colliding!


You're conflating several assumptions:

Because women don't find men of color attractive? Really?

When we're whitewashing characters, it's okay because we're bringing the story to America/American audiences and all Americans either are white, want to see white people on screen, or can only relate to white people on screen. Besides, they obviously just cast the best actor, and she/he just happened to be white.

Logging in just to promote this :)

As a black person who grew up in an affluent small town and who now lives in a suburb, I agree with ThatBroad. The black middle class is this huge invisible population. We exist. Not all black people are from the hood. Many, many of us are from suburbs/small towns, or even from middle/upper class urban areas. Saying

I think that this is a big part of why I (and other PoC I know) haven't actively joined the movement. What's been going on in politics and business hasn't been right for quite some time. The interests of assets and specific groups of people (business owners, (white) men, politicians) have been elevated over the

Ah, too true... Crowley faked his death.

I have been desperately hoping for a return of the Trickster. He was so snarky and he got shit done. Besides, Crowley's died several times at this point. Gabriel only died twice, they can totally bring him back.

I would argue voluntary emission of "person" vs involuntary, but I guess if we're going absurd then that's just too rational of an argument to make!

I prefer my absurdism with a dash of realism. For example: they're making the argument that zygotes are humans, which essentially argues that anything with the potential to be human is a "person." If that's true and women can't use birth control or have abortions, then men should not be able to masturbate. Sperm spent

I'm actually surprised the abortion storyline wasn't covered on Jez or in other feminist media arenas. It was amazingly well done. And the show overall is one of the few out there with a ton of epically awesome women instead of the token cool girl and her [insert stereotypical quality here] sidekick.

Bailey on Grey's Anatomy! One of my favorite all time characters.