Yes, I still jailbreak for one reason and one reason only: f.lux.
Well we've done the "best time to buy everything" charts, which are largely based on when stuff goes on sale. But yeah, a day of the week guide per retailer would be great. From the price fluctuations, though, you can kind of gather when a sale is more likely to happen.
This post is bad and you should feel bad.
Moleskin padding - the stuff available in the foot care section at a pharmacy - is waaayy better. Carefully examine exactly what parts of the door hit against the frame when it closes and pad those areas.
Vote: Mohu Leaf
So, if I add some kale to the recipe, does that make it Soylent Green?
Did anybody else think of "Soylent Green"?
I don't think I could ever bring myself to eat something named "Soylent".
Here you go !…
WTB IPhone version!
LOVE the downy unstoppables, but the Purex crystals are just as effective and half the cost. I like their lavendar better than downy's. But those blue downy ones remain my favorite. Their smell reminds me of cotton candy!
I love that retarded commenters don't realize that most of us don't care to wade through endless cat posts and fist pumping babies before we come to the one useful post on Reddit.