
Winking and meta-jokes have their place (see: the first Captain America) but yeah, this movie is going to take everything seriously, and it looks amazing for it.

I remember Predator being marketed as ALIENS plus Rambo, and it definitely fits that bill. Definite contender and worthy of any top best list. I'm not sure it's quite good enough to hit number one against the sheer epicness of it's competition, but it sure as hell is in the conversation and a solid argument can be

It's is definitely up there on the list. Good call.

Yeah, I was going to post this. It has the best final showdown of any sci-fi action movie. In order to defeat the high-tech monstrosity, Ahnold's character regresses to an almost neanderthal state. The symmetry is brilliant. Also, like Aliens, it's a great Vietnam war allegory.

What if it's a foam pillow?