Who's the bigger whore? The money whores or the whores that follow?
Who's the bigger whore? The money whores or the whores that follow?
I would've called them Scrotumus or Glutemus Clouds.
I dressed up as Freddy Krueger when I was 10... complete with a real Fedora, green/red striped sweater, and the glove with blades made from the metal prongs from a broken umbrella. Super dangerous but my mom encouraged me!
Au contraire mon ami. Gawker takes that crown.
Not so good photoshopping there but good concept.
I never finished Space Quest 2.
Modern Medical Science!
The first 3 images are the artist's papercraft renditions of the video game Limbo... it's so well done that they actually look like screengrabs from the awesome video game itself.
I'm of the "what happened, happened" belief, so I always refer people to the time travel of 12 Monkeys.
Once, I was with a girl who wanted to watch gay male porn on my satellite TV, so I obliged and watched it with her, well, it turned her on and made me a happy guy afterward.
The thing that gets me about Timecop is the fact that the time vehicle disappears at the other end. JCVD appears walking non-chalantly.
The squirrel learned a neat trick from his brethren, Conker. He double-jumped and used his furry tail as a propeller to slow his descent.
It's too bad more people didn't go see Dredd. I definitely enjoyed it.
Given a choice, I'd take the tattoo on my @$$hole than this squishy forehead thing.
In the movie "Royal Tramp" starring Stephen Chow, the cure to this affliction was a jab to the top of the butt-crack with a sharp needle-like tool, the peeny would pop back out as it made a loud "SPROING" sound (at the 09:40 mark, if the timestamp embed doesn't work).
1. Captain Braugher detonating a nuke so close to a major US city, yeah, that's too much crazy right there.