
Cuban missile crisis started when US stationed Jupiter MRBM missiles in Turkey and pointed them at USSR. Somehow this fact always gets skipped over and the whole story skips to Khrushchev angrily banging his shoe at the UN and shipping nukes to Cuba.

The Flanker is my flaifu. Such an amazing craft.

What worries me was all the idiots supporting the driver’s behavior. Sad world we live in sometimes.

It has been.

You fucking disgust me.

And we all know exactly what kind of sock puppet you are, and what flag you’ve got hidden in your garage .....

Back then it was a conspiracy theory that the fedgov was going to seek regime change in Syria (and Libya, Egypt, Iran, etc and so on). Those who warned about a wrecked Iraq and a destabilized region were laughed at. Why? because our dear leaders gave their assurances that such things wouldn’t happen. They also said

Years ago the war party wanted to go into Syria. Congress got flooded with ‘hell no’ messages (that’s the ‘will’, the loud and clear messages to so-called representatives.) so they took the route of arming so-called ‘moderates’ with the McCain photo ops and the like. The result is the mess we see today.

But even if it

Russia was invited by the recognized government of Syria. Russia has a naval base in Syria as well. Obama defied the will of the american people and got involved in another foreign conflict. It is this involvement that prevented the government of Syria putting an end to the fighting.

“Meanwhile the teams, the league ignore it because the dirty little secret is that at this point the only way to fill the stadiums is appealing to the dumbest, most drunken, and the angriest of the population.”

Oh, but it is simply a tabloid story.

If I wrote an article entitled “Unconfirmed: Donald Trump to resurrect Hitler and appoint him Speaker of the House” and cite the Weekly World News, which themselves cited a guy on Twitter you would feel similarly as I do.

The Express is the main and only source for all this. A newsfeed can’t cite itself as the source and be credible. You’re not making sense.

I don’t have to look. Someone out there is always wrong enough for me to warrant correcting them.

“Even if the story is bogus, it’s going to happen.”

Oh fer crying out loud, man. They’re all citing the Express UK (Daily/Sunday Express) —- a rag of such ill and dubious repute nowadays, you shouldn’t even cite it for the date and time.

My exact fear of going to this area... damn manpads and LOTS of them.

/ helo pilot
// with requisite huge nuts
/// has majestic moustache
//// still not ready to die yet
///// MANPADS = grown-ass man tears followed by firey death.

“The Russians are flying 40-50 year old airframes that have been sorely lacking in maintenance for more hours than they’ve seen in years.”

Those Su-30SMs and Su-34s are all less than five years old.

If I understand your analogy correctly, the Su-34 is the Ferrari FF of Sukhoi’s portfolio: