
Holy crap. You are the absolute worst! An entire country is peacefully travelling to their capital to protest the government destroying their livelihood if they don’t agree to participate in a medical experiment. Most of the supporters of the movement have participated, but are supporting their countrymen’s right to

If the reporting proves out, this wasn’t a deadly car chase due to a traffic violation.

The downside is the lack personal freedom. All this fear mongering is truly unnecessary. I can totally understand wearing masks in public places but not in the comfort of your own home. Asking ppl to wear masks when going through the drive thru is also unnecessary. Again if the food worker is wearing a mask they

Please stop. I don’t care if you wear a mask or not. I’m not going to. Promote the contact tracing apps if you want to actually help. Get more states to implement it in their state. That is the ONLY way we’re going to slow this thing down. Masks have not been proven to do that. Nor have the lockdowns. Nor has social

Flu shot fatality rate: 0.7%

People who recline are monsters. Full stop. 

Unpopular opinion: We should stop making cars faster and just focus on weight. Its a ridiculous number of HP.

I like how this article shows a cop destroying someones property and almost causing damage to other people and potentially a multi-car accident by running a red light riding a motorcycle with no helmet and you’ve found a way to get mad at some lawless body of people whose skin color you’d rather not bring up instead

I spent too many years riding bikes in the city to put up with that shit. My immediate response would have been to smash his side mirror off. Fuck you. Go ahead and try and catch me in a car downtown.

This is a hoarder’s home. This is the home of someone with a problem.


“According to KSAT, the accident report said the SLK driver, Leon Morris, merged onto the highway from the right side as the truck driver, Raymond Morales, switched into the right lane. 

*Sees price

I would say about Tim Lee that “I haven’t seen a man leave such a burning wake in his trail through Atlanta since Sherman,” but most of Cobb County doesn’t have access to the books to explain the joke.

You can see by the recording that the guy was going too fast for the conditions. WTF does he bother denying it for? Forensics can calculate it to the tenth of a MPH.

That’s weird, because I recall Tony swerving toward him.

Hey remember when he intentionally hit that guy and killed him?

He was doing God’s work.

The one that leaves its veterans homeless and destitute so they have to rely on random strangers for even a bare minimum of an existence?