
Just hear this. Kevin was a great young driver with a lot of passion for the sport. Often times my close friends would refer to him as a weapon on the track for two reasons. One would be, he was fearless, and the other was most times he drove over his head. Taking risks that most drives would not. That’s why he won

*cough* Vietnam dispelled the myth of carpet bombing as a reliable strategic option *cough*

You have no brains, no options, no alternatives beyond say, in every thread “no leadership”. Time to put up or shut up: what should we do? How is Obama not showing “ leadership” by not getting into a shooting war with Russia? Please Mr. buzz, give us your vast wisdom of foreign policy to tell us what we should do or

If not carpet-bombing civilians is what “no leadership” means, then I don’t want any damned leadership.

Now playing

Looks like he just plain ran him over. Yes ward was on the track, but he was just standing at the time of impact. He may have just meant to scare Ward, but that still makes it atleast manslaughter.

Boy, conservatives really need to overcompensate in the area of masculinity, don’t they? Would it helped if Obama put on a flight suit, stuffed his underwear with a sock, landed on an aircraft carrier and declared “Mission Accomplished”?

I STILL don’t get WHY we should even give a flying flock what happens in the Ukraine. I mean, c’mon, didn’t we invade Iraq for no reason at all and kill half a MILLION freakin CIVILIANS?

Russia never invaded Crimea. They merely supported a referendum of the Crimean population to secede from Ukraine and join the Russian Federation. Ethics check?

very mature indeed

Agree with you with nearly everything —- but don’t think Obama isn’t part of this. He gave the okay to destabilize Syria. He gave the green light for the military and CIA to train “rebels” (who then bit their hands and formed ISIS). He made the choice to cast America’s lot with Qatar, because U.S. CenCom is based

Look, I know you barely got your GED, but c’mon, where’d you get your understanding of geopolitics from, Marvel Comics? Seriously, it’s so utterly simplistic and jingoistic; you make Sarah Palin sound like Margaret Thatcher in comparison.

Tsk tsk .... you’re such a paranoid, rightwing wingnut. You probably have Donald Trump posters all over your bedroom (those Dick Cheney posters of yours were getting worn out, needed refreshing, eh?). You’re definitely a neoconservative diehard who probably attends the Westborough Baptist Church every Sunday.

Everyone calls Obama a pu$$y yet he destroyed Libya, provides air cover for Saudia Arabia to slaughter Yemeni’s,kept the war going in Iraq where more soldiers died under his watch than Bush, provided telemetry to France while they were killing Mali citizens, kept giving Israel weapons and money to kill Palestinians,

Let it go. The black guy won. Twice.

Yeah of course no-one in their right minds will oppose Russia - this is a battle against ISIS and Al-Qaeda.

Oh for crying out loud, here’s a dollar, go buy yourself a clue: do you know how much money Gazprom brings in for Russia in selling gas to Europe?

Oh look, guys, another gullible idiot who fell off the Neocon tree. The Neocons in Washington are really counting on absolutely-stupid rubes like you to push their song-and-dance routine with the every day man.

Told ya guys - Russia sees the possible fall of Assad as an existential threat to Russia, because of the pipeline-geopolitics really behind this faux ‘civil war’ in Syria. Besides, Russia knows it’s got ‘right’ on its side, this being a mortal battle against the forces of Mordor, aka ISIS.

We support Saudi Arabia. One could pretty much drop the mic right there.

You should see some of the Governments the US has supported over the years. Make’s Assad look like Mother Theresa.