
Counterpoint. Go Fuck Yourself.

The “destroyed tapes” were statements, recorded by a supervisor in haste without following proper Union Contract rules. None of the air to ground, Pilot/Controller or Controller/Controller communication was destroyed. I am a retired Air Traffic Controller from New York Center and was actually there.

Nothing like seeing people blindly support a known war criminal who stole one national election to make an American want to seek political asylum.

Oh horseshit.

The history of that man and his administration are a complete embarrassment to our country.

Trust the government to store all of your personal info, and force hardware and software developers to build back doors for law enforcement. Nothing bad will happen!

Aww c’mon, Tyler. The evidence is out there — and strong — that Saudi Arabia and Qatar are behind the funding and arming of the rebel armed groups in Syria. Especially Qatar. And especially ISIS and Al Nustra (the Syrian Al Qaeda).

Which wouldn’t have happened if we didn’t topple stable government under false pretenses.

Considering we invaded Iraq in 2003, you observation is correct. We made a mess of the region a good 8 years before the date you’ve arbitrarily selected.

ISIS carried out the gassing attack in Syria as a false flag operation. Turkey is hell bent getting rid of the PPK under premise of war on terror and of course since PPK is composed of Kurds that’s whom ISIS is fighting right now. Meanwhile, Europe, US, Saudi Arabia and Qatar are all watching on and rooting for ISIS.

Interestingly enough, 90% of my Syrian friends are pro-Assad, there was peace and prosperity under his regime, now there is ISIS, Muslim Brotherhood etc...

His ribs were fine, but he fractured two lungs? I am confused.....

This is absolutely excellent advice.

I'd go to more tennis matches if I could openly smoke weed there.


Supercells like the ones that were on the prowl the other night are NOT static fixtures. They are very much living, breathing animals that are constantly changing and evolving. The flight aware track covers quite a bit of time, but the weather overlay is a point in time snapshot. His (or her) original flight path