
This isn’t new for folks on PC. I don’t think I’ve ever been able to buy map packs separately for quite a while (I think Black Ops 2 was the last one to have separate map packs for sale). You always had to buy the entire season pass since then.

I’d play it. Paladins is pretty fun on PC so having it portable should be great. I need more foul-mouthed Ash in my life.

Might sound odd, and its changed a lot over the years but Runescape plays alot differently to WoW as it came out 4 years earlier. Quests in that game were designed to be what I would consider enjoyable and what ever mmo should strive for. They are entertaining, drive forth a plot with conversations, combat is usually

Jesus christ, I know he had announced just a bit ago that he was stepping down and just going to do some social stuff but I didn’t expect the cancer to catch up as fast as it did. John Bain your going to be sorely missed. I don’t know of anyone else who had such passion for game critic than he did.

Keeping it short and sweet, best of luck! Your writing will be missed.

Now playing

I’m glad to introduce you to them! The Arockalpyse is probably the album you want to check out first as it features this song plus others like:

Now playing

But do any of them top the greatest eurovision winner ever?

If you watch the Alive count, you can see it tick down to 2 before he dies so yes, someone else must have been below him.

I could easily see them do this by changing you into a smasher husk from Save the World. Be fun to smash peoples buildings and such while having a butt load of health.

They exist at least in Canada anyway (which usually means they exist in the US too). Look up Public Performance Rights to get specifics. Cost usually varies depending on if you are charging for entrance (acting like a cinema) or just having it in the background. Even schools are suppose to obtain these when showing

Pretty much any Chromebook just became a Fortnite/PUBG machine I bet. Won’t even have to do anything funky to set it up I can imagine.

Worst part is that it’s not even a technical issue. They had Xbox cross platform working at launch with pc players. It was just because Sony paid them off not to do it that it’s disabled.

Back to Far Cry 2? How about even further with Far Cry Instincts and Far Cry Instincts Predator which both predate 2 on the original xbox.

This still screws over anyone who bought anything for Switch since pretty much everyones points expire at the same time.

None of those games I would say are particularly great unless your really into whatever niche they are trying to do. Especially when you comapre them to other good free to play titles not on the list like Neverwinter, Paladins, Smite, even TF2.

Wait, they reduced the grind? HAHAHAHA

Bought one as soon as it was announced and even though I was hesitant at first, your absolutely right that its a huge difference which you’ll immediately notice once you get your hands on it. The adjustable sticks are great and it feels so good in your hands.

I’ll pick this up just for the soundtrack alone. I still listen to To The Moons soundtrack on occasion just because how well it tied the music to the stories beats.

Still kind of annoyed that they cancelled Everquest Next / Landmark. I was super amped for a new MMO that wasn’t just the latest game from Asia that could be grindy and monetized to hell.

Maybe I’ll provide more context for this as it may have been lost to some people.