“Screwfly Solution.” Humanity is wiping itself out with an alien induced femicide that turns sexual aggression into homicidal aggression, including the protagonist’s husband slaughtering their daughter. James Tiptree, Jr did not pull her punches.
I read this as Orwell's Oklahoma, now I am disappointed
Oh, how I would love to trade our current ridiculous dystopia for one that’s merely bleak.
Demolition Man. All restaurants are Taco Bell?! Put me back in the fridge.
I Have No Butt and I Must Poop! #TrueHorror
How delicate do you have to be to perceive a criticism of establishment activity as an attack on “centrist Democrats”? That the comparison of policy approach to a saltine cracker feels like an insult?
Some other choice quotes from the video (which is honestly worth watching in its entirety). Apologies in advance for any typos:
I don’t find SBC the least bit funny and his punching down makes me cringe. That being said, I think he’s doing a Yeoman’s job of outing these Republican assholes. If his only purpose nowadays is to hold a mirror up to America, then so be it.
We know, Joe. We know. At your age, you take what you can get. Plus, it would be an honor to get your prostate-induced dribble in his mouth.
BOOM. This is why Republicans hate and demonize unions. Collective bargaining and worker solidarity is frightening to capital.
Seize the means of production from those mother fuckers!! This video and his reaction to it is just uplifting to my soul. Solidarity!
cool story bro.
This shows why unions are important.
“[The workers] were walking out with their heads up, strong. It touched me... I was like, wow, this is beautiful”
A Dangerfield getting disrespected? Typical
Or they should find a way that’s less costly to make these games. Honestly, the majority of them, their quality does not reflect their budgets at all. If they were to be held accountable, you’d quickly see the costs drop.
You’re only technically right here. Lots of games that are patched and updated could be called “Live Service” but they’re not the focus of the buzzword. The Buzzword is the new push for the industry to make games that we need to consistently pay for. You could have called TF2 a Live Service too but it’s not apt given…
Because from a game point of view,“Live Service” means literally nothing. There is no proper definition of what a Live Service game is. It’s a monetization term. It’s a term for a constant flow of revenue without outright saying “subscription” (because subscription is fixed). It’s a scheme of “how do we keep making…
This means that you’d have to buy into the game early, and you’d have a (technically a minority, yes) number of people who would be extremely dissatisfied each episode that their choice didn’t matter to the world.
Consider coming into this single-player game two years down the road. If each episode is already decided…