Gaudy Mouse Muad'Dib

Yeah, you were spot on about the Budweiser.

Get in bed! You can’t get better if you don’t rest.


There is totally a white crayon and I imagine it’s for coloring on colored papers.

Ain’t that the truth

You ain’t never lied.

Maybe faith in humanity and out and proud LGBT people in one’s life? I know the church, famous for gay choir directors, would like to keep them stuffed in the closet but for those of us who just have faith in human power it’s not like that at all.

Pls do not Google ageplay. Your head a splode.

I guess I think that he knew what he was doing and he knew what could happen if he brought that knife to school that he bought. I’m not discounting the effects of bullying, but I can’t pretend that he did not choose to purchase a weapon and bring it to school. He obviously knew what could happen, or else he wouldn’t

I agree they don’t step up. I see going to administration as basically being due diligence. I don’t expect anything to get done, but the going part is just like “he tried”. I would probably feel way differently if traditional channels had a chance to fail miserably, if that makes sense.

I don’t ever blame suicidal people for following through. I suffer to this day from suicidality and I would never think to blame a little girl for taking her own life. She clearly felt driven to it.

I appreciate your comment but again I ask what this girl has to do with this case? This guy was about to be out of high school and off to live his own life away from those bullies. I’ve been that girl and when you’re ten and feel trapped and know you’re nowhere near being free of tormentors, yeah it can make you

That’s OK. I misread stuff all the time and I misread his age the first time I read this article too. If he was 15 I’d be less strident but I mean he’s about to be out of school and away from them bullies. The biggest feeling I have is sadness. He’s just 18 and this is how his adult life is beginning. It’s a huge and

You know it probably did. Ugh. That poor girl.

I’m glad you never thought of suicide as an option. At ten I made my first attempt and for years afterward sporadically made attempts when things felt bad enough and otherwise settled for cutting myself when things were almost bad enough but I could remember from church that suicides were headed for hell. Thirty years

He’s eighteeeeen! He can vote for a president or go to the army and carry a gun. He can totally be responsible for this.

What were you waiting for that didn’t take so long? A gotcha story to make me feel like a murderer doesn’t deserve punishment? Do you think I’m rejoicing that a bullied child committed suicide? I attempted suicide at ten. That’s horrible. This child’s life is over and you’re pointing me at this article as if you

I was bullied. I get it. I was sexually assaulted by my bullies and publicly sexually and otherwise humiliated many times in school. I get it. But I never bought a knife and brought it to school. He purchased a knife two weeks before this event and he brought it to school. He was planning on using it. If he wasn’t,

Thank you for explaining. I’m so uncool I have to ask internet folk what stuff means. (I have a secret belief that if a person becomes uncool enough there’s a horseshoe effect where they are basically cool again. At least to other dorks.) I appreciate you telling me. Yeah, I love her videos too. She is crazily

How did this kid lose it in the moment when he bought the KNIFE TWO WEEKS ahead of time and HAD IT ON HIS PERSON to kill someone with? He was prepared for this. He wasn’t just lashing out, he was highly prepared for lethal “showing them” and he sure did, didn’t he? I was bullied and sexually assaulted by a couple of