“Queer eye for the Palpatine guy” has a reeeaaaally nice ring to it.
“Queer eye for the Palpatine guy” has a reeeaaaally nice ring to it.
Agree on whatnow?
You SURE you’re not an American? cause that sounds pretty American. we just cover it in layers of bravado.
Could you do arms though with the range those guys have?
Knew something was up when i heard Starfox gibberish on the the protags’ coms.
We need a lady beard skin for chun-li in the game.
Awesome. Mario Kart needs someone to give it a run for its money. And the first Team Sonic Racing was pretty good. It just needed a sequel to fix its little problems.
*looks at psp and game case with Valkyrie profile
I’m good.
FalloutXMarioXRabbids: Wasteland Warriors.
Couldn’t find the gif i wanted but i got close.
NO, better, you can only come if you have your mom with you. that way she can make sure your ass don’t try and play like you forgot.
I would love to have one so I know how low my shields and ammo are.
Yep. Iwata was the heart of Nintendo. And now that heart is gone.
Yup. Steam not doing anything until the issue gains publicity sounds about right.
Love that Symphony of the Night reference in the second quote.
All these comments and not a Single “Fuck Hollywood”
I’m rather disappointed.
I would have said it the other way around considering that earbuds are gonna be all wax covered on the end.
Are they allowed to use ninja when talking about anime?
It feels more like “What would a sports league be like if people were actually booted for doing shit when they’re found out instead of covered up” really.