
Oh I could come up with more. I just felt they were the stand outs. Duddly from Street Fighter is pretty charming. Lisa from DOA is interesting on account of her Capoira/Lucha fighting style. Venom from Guilty Gear (I’ve assumed was black but could be wrong) was always an interesting fighter. Twintell from Arms has my

Zasalamel from Soul Calibur and Raven from Tekken were pretty cool at least.

Dungeons & Dragons? Sounds fun. Have him hit up Mathew Mercer and set some shit up?

You played Reccetear? You play a girl who’s dad took out a loan and has to pay it back by runing an Item shop.

Now playing

Yeah as it turns out Phoenix Wright actually takes place in japan and uses Japanese law.

Well he IS a politician.

Sounds like they only do what they need to to cover their asses. If we want them to do something we’re gonna need to have the media report every group in steam.

AAAaaaand i meant to say mute Bard. for some reason i cant edit.

When i make a character I largely just think of a concept and build around that. And when I help others make a character i ask them who they want to be and build around that and make sure that they know that they’ll be them only in skill. “You’ll make the charactor yours through roleplay.”

My niece wanted to be Takumi

I was reading your post and just realized my mute using Vicious mockery is gonna be hilarious.

Ruroni Kenshin or nothing.

To be fair, a shitload of games have RPG elements. Like almost all of them. Been studying D&D a bit and, yeah. Call of Duty could be called a shooter with RPG elements.

Also, the ESRB has a higher complience rate than any other media and is more widely recognised and understood than any other (Movies music etc.). Games are doing fine right now

Can’t wait for him to have a rainbow haired form.

Because some people find this shit fun.

Cowboy Bebop actually did a real good job of making their characters ethnically distinguishable.

And now I need a PersonaXJustice league cross over where the Entire DC Universe replace the Persona.

So can I read the toilet paper while i shit now?

One of the things I think labo probably covertly does is show everyone how the joycon can be used to make peripherals that require less to make. Instead of making a 70 to 150 dollars steering wheel you could make one that’s only 30 dollars that only requires you to put a joycon in to read the infrared reflectors.

Labo reminds me that my view on the big 3 still stands.

“Microsoft and Sony are in a pissing contest wheres Nintendo plays poker. They dont always win but when they do they win big.”