A related item i felt you could use.
A related item i felt you could use.
Nintendo: Ok, the Wii U did terribly. we need to think outside the box.
*Switch sells millions
Nintendo: Ok, we did thinking outside the box, lets try thinking inside the box.
I say run it against her debut year in street fighter.
So he’s essentially YouTube Donald Trump then?
If i had to hazard a guess, I would imagine this is probably because of the NES and SNES classic. People probably got those and are content enough to where they’re not buying the original machines as much. And the side effect is people now getting the itch for the N64 next.
Yes well as always, there’s no accounting for taste.
Its Misty. That Ash was a dude was the only thing holding her back..
Probably because it looks good so far. And a bad book can be a good movie. Its damn near impossible to get a full book into one movie without a REALLLY fucking huge run time meaning they’re gonna have to cut shit whether they want to or not. So here’s hoping that all they cut is the shit.
Alright, G better fucking have an Uncle Sam and Abraham Lincoln skin coming down the line.
I find it odd that they think anyone would go to japan to see a theme park that’s theme is japan when they’re in FUCKING JAPAN.
Just a heads up folks, the ONLY place I’ve found that you can get a legit copy of Phantasy Star 1 IS on the Wii Virtual Console. Grab that shit.
What? No Dungeons and Dragons? I am appalled.
Well at the least there’s an app coming that wont require an internet connection.
Its only $30 on D&D Beyond if you don’t mind digital.
Yeah, Sony set it up so instead of multiple accounts you have multiple Memory Cards with separate profiles.
Tech cost money. And if it still works “Why should we?”
When she becomes a literal blade, is she like, a knife or a scalpel? Or maybe a box cutter? Cause that might be why.
Oh god, I am gonna love when the “Pokemon pushes gay agenda” shit starts to fly.