*looks at the top of the thread
Dont you mean “Froddo”?
*looks at the top of the thread
Dont you mean “Froddo”?
I honestly had no idea it existed.
I’m old so I’m not hip to what kind of jive the young cats be talkin.
Shit, now all the Xbone needs is a kart game an you could do some unoffical Mario Kart double dash action.
God, I could see him using a gold pen with gold glitter ink.
So not very well then huh?
Well no shit, Trump can’t read.
You mean a game where you play as a multi-ethnic group of “Birds” being harrassed by “Pigs” and having their “Eggs” stolen from them and having to bring down the entire structure down on them to save the eggs in a never ending conflict isn’t political to you?
From a mexican family. and the nice thing is that if your kids act up EVERYONE suddenly becomes their mother/father. they usualy straiten up real fast.
I remember reading an article on Kotaku about the shit Gamestop employees would have to deal with and one of them had a guy bring in a PS2 for trade in with his girlfriend. Apparently the hard drive port had roaches and a woman’s panties. the latter of which didn’t belong to his girlfriend standing next to him.
Step One: Put 3DS game into slot
Step Two: Profit
The spice must flow.
That Guile’s theme one needs a Sonic Boom sound clip.
WAIT WAIT WAIT WAIT, there was COLLOUR! in FALLOUT?! Did they add it in a new update or something?! how did i miss this!?
You can. you pop an SD card in, boot up the app on both consoles, let the app copy everything to the SD card on the Wii, then you take the card, put it in the Wii U, and then let the app transfer everything over from the card.
The processed may have changed since I last did it (Wii U launch day) but I can’t imagine it…
It was shared on social media. once you put it on the web, your fucked.
Nintendo has stated they have more games to announce later. these were probably just the ones that were ready enough to show off now. There are a few indies that i didn’t see at the reveal that have been announce to be coming to Switch so there’s definitely evidence of this being more than just them blowing smoke up…
Including its backwards compatibility capabilities along with its access to the Wii eShop, the fucker probably has the biggest library any console ever made. Wii games, Wii U games, NES, SNES, N64, Sega Genesis, Master System, Turbo Graphics 16, Arcade, etc. I’d love to have my future Switch be backwards compatible,…
That and the date on the article is the 12 which is when the most recent reveal happened. meaning this data was most likely collected before then.
They probably want to save it for tomorows game blowout.