So since its called “New Donk” city, does that mean everyone has a sweet ass courtesy of their local plastic surgeon?
So since its called “New Donk” city, does that mean everyone has a sweet ass courtesy of their local plastic surgeon?
Or maybe he was so distraught that he misspoke when he meant to say ”she fell down the stairs and got her head caught on a rope that someone hung from the rail and died.”
Because Sega canceled bayonetta 2 and it was not gonna be made AT ALL but Nintendo said they’d foot the bill if they made it Wii U exclusive.
Platinum has a pretty good record when its not a licensed game. and exclusives mean they don’t have to worry about working on multiple versions. meaning they could put more work into it. Nothing in this world is ever promised though. :V
I find a good rule of thumb is to be wary of ANY licensed game no matter WHO makes it. the general consensus for a good few if the platinum licensed games seems to be that they’re under cooked and basic as a result which I’ve found tends to be common among games which are given little time due to wanting to “Strike…
yep, there was a reason this sucker protruded so far down.
So before anyone found him, was he both alive and dead?
Plenty are still based off animals. Its just that Game Freak hit all the easy ones and are now picking up the crazy obscure ones or giving normal ones a more standout design.
Don’t you mean “Breast Plate”?
If anything the rickshaw driver should be dressed as the ghosts.
It’s comics, it stays on for the same reason nobody stays dead.
Indeed. Which is why i would never give the Internets reaction to such a second thought.
They said that if Mario maker does well that they’d make other maker games. cant imagine that they wouldn’t do a Zelda maker. It’s probably in the wings right now. personally, I’d love to see a Metroid maker.
I only found it to be a problem a couple of times. I just bring one down as far as i can and then knock out the other and then the last before they call. though a wide range move works better for the final coup de gravy.
Decided to go superhero with my naming theme for this game. My rowlet is named “Green Arrow”
Eevee from what i hear gets a new evolution every other game. and we got fairy type Eevee-loution last game.
Just play for fun. Treat it like a campaign in any other game and don’t worry about meta game until you beat it and are ready for multiplayer. in pretty much every Pokemon game the after story content is designed around all that (all regions of Pokemon unlocked, 3rd legendary and a few others are catchable etc.). so…
It got canceled because pedophiles were using it to get children into hotels an shit.
Yep. Pedophiles in japan were using it to get kids into hotels with them.
Wouldnt the third be “Pokemon Earth”