
there is, and if you don’t want to wait or would prefer a normal model Nintendo sells refurbished 2 & 3ds on their site. a refurbished 2ds costs 60 dollars. Just keep in mind that whether they’re in stock or not depends on what they get in.

and anyone know how to delete your comment. wanted to do that instead of edit my first coment but couldnt find it.

Indeed Arakawa did state thus. Also, the original Fullmetal Alchemist series only followed the books up to the fight with greed. so anything after is null and void.

Wasn’t thinking trump would ACTUALLY resign but at this pace I’m willing to change my mind.

nope. there’s a reason they sell controllers with adjustable weight.

No actually, I think he’s just screwing around miming one of ign’s crew.

This isn’t aimed at gamers. WE all ether have a console with all of them on it, the emulators, or a custom made device like a raspberry Pi to play them on. this is for EVERYONE else. i got two older brothers who only gamed back in the day and they love this.

Hell one of them came over one day and saw the Xbox sitting

*rocks back and fourth in rocking chair

Yup. and a couple consoles later we had this magical item called a “Rumble pack” to make our controller shake. we had to buy it separate and insert it into the controller.

Ahh the good old days.

*puffs bubble pipe

yep. the company is calling it a failure cause its not making more money than the last. like as if theres no cap to how much they can make before they cant make no more.

Didn’t see it in the comments, but GameXplain put up a vid saying that Wii classic controllers work with it and when using one, the home button brings up the menu. so its not too hopeless. not to mention, as nostalgic as it is, those sharp ass corners on the NES controller kinda suck.

I think “Assvengers” is a better title.

Can’t speak for all of us, but for me a non legit pokemon is akin to buying a playstation and realising when you got home that it was a box full of rock. its a badge of pride to not have to cheat to catch them all. its like getting a speedrun record without glitches. and finding out one of your guys was a hack kinda

Wait, I thought Chu-Chu was a rat?

Pussy grabbing is actually pretty physically & mentally demanding. pretty sure if he hadn’t decided to dedicate himself to said martial art (Crouching Pussy, Hidden Grabber style)  he’d probably look at least 10 years younger.

hahaha, well just so you know, every kid & person who’s a kid at heart I’ve explained it to loves the idea of Dungeons & Dragons. I asked my nephew to think about what he wants to be and he had no idea until I showed him the monster manual. At which point he decided to be a monster tamer with a Manticore, a Dragon,

Just got into Dungeons & Dragons and after reading the monster manual lore for a “Hag” I am now terrified of you and want to keep you away from my children who have yet to be born.

He looks like a certain someone who works at Kotaku but I can’t place my finger on it.

*Man grabs by the pussy



I want one with all this PLUS! the ability to pull out the D-pad, Joysticks, and face buttons & re-arrange them. Offset joysticks I like for action games. D-pad & buttons up top for sidescrollers. Double top sticks I enjoy for shooters.

Not to mention, you can convert it to a lefty controller too.



Fiction writer? I would have thought the judge would be like “Future Republican presidential nominee”.