Considering that people are discovering dead bodies and saving children because of it, I say we have all cops install it on their phones and play it 24/7. we should have crime down to zero by the weekend.
Considering that people are discovering dead bodies and saving children because of it, I say we have all cops install it on their phones and play it 24/7. we should have crime down to zero by the weekend.
Well thats pretty cool. You pretty much never see grizzled old women in anything.
Soooo this?
Nintendo isnt doing any of the real work though. its all on niantic for this one.
Depends, do you mean Player vs Player or Player vs Police?
fail to give it support? who do you think this is? Sony?
and the the niantic guys said they’re gonna add a bunch of stuff so don’t worry i’m sure most of this is coming. Right now though it looks like their focus is ironing out all the kinks and then the release to other regions.
psh. no one is too old for pokemon. It’s all good man, you can come play with us. theres no jocks to pick on you anymore
*opens arms
No it begins when people start wearing their Poke-gang collours out and about. THEN we’ll see some shit.
I fear for my twitter feed if they add that feature.
The average age of a gamer is in the 30's. so don’t sweat it. we already got this country on lock down. its the people who don’t play that are weirdos now.
part of it is because gaming is a big part of culture now. and 90% of gamers has Nintendo in their memories. and one of the biggest dreams from child hood was to catch Pokemon in the real world. this for the most part taps into it. a child hood dream fulfilled.
not only that but the multiplayer may be minimal, but you see the people your playing with/against. and as in any game, talking to your team mates is vital to team victory.
Cause its that wild west period still where everyone still knows very little and will get all the information they can. think the school yard when Super Mario 3 came out. or hell, any game came out back then really.
I shit you not, I’m just waiting for people to start wearing their Poke Gang collours out and the quickly following news report about how they got mistaken for real gang members and were shot by ether real gangs or the police cause they mistook the phone in their hands for guns.
People can shit on Nintendo all they want but 90% of gamers have their childhood firmly embeded in Nintendo. All it takes to pull those people who have “Grown out” of Nintendo back in is to make a game that hits the right sweet spots for them. And Pokemon go has found those sweet spots with pokemon go. What we are…
I dunno man, I’ve seen some of your wild life. them moose look hood as fuck. and don’t get me started on those crack head geese. AND why does it always smell like someones blazing something up there?
Personaly, I wanna read what theyre writing. I’d love to see how squirrel girl beat one-punch man.
ALRIGHT! SO! I see the Poke Bloods and the Poke Crips. what are the yellow? Poke Kings?