
“Horton, Here’s a Poo!”

A single space after a period for abbreviations, like Dr. and St.

Do what you’re comfortable with. It’s only a matter of personal preference nowadays, unless you’re writing for publication. In that case, find out what your publisher prefers and do that.

Any chance of getting transcripts of these?

All good advice.

Well, this article was written by Alex, so you can’t expect it to have much technical detail or accuracy.

Fuck form. I lift as heavy as possible to get mega swole, even if that means I destroy my back.....

I must be the only person on the internet who actually treats rental cars better than my own car (because the hell if I’m paying for damage or extra charges).

I feel dumber for having read (a paragraph) of this article.

This article is even more depressing than I am. Thanks.

What's an expert in words' origins doing looking for insects in Guyana?