
Fuck off you lazy, blue fuck. no more porn/decapitation spamming AND no more Rob Ford pictures/clapping pictures/random fucking pictures as a substitute for any wit? That sounds like the winn-iest of win-wins.

Ha! Pig with enormous balls! There's NO WAY that image somehow gets better than that!

If this team were suddenly in Florida, no one would be able to tell.

Looks like someone hasn't heard of my First Amendment right to see porn GIFs.

Let's get rid of the burners and bring back the star system. Fuck Kinja and this failed experiment.

God, I hate the summer. I can't wait for fall. Not only does football come back for real, but all the 4channers have to go back to the 9th grade.

I feel like it's not so much retaliation for the porn gifs being all over Jezebel, as it is an excuse to troll us here at the same time (with slightly different spam content, of course). I bet it's the same asshole/s that are fucking shit up at Jez.

These pictures of Giancarlo Stanton and Russell Wilson are really getting in the way of my gay porn surfing, Kyle.

It's not "anyone", it's "any three". Three of us have jobs.

but be aware that comments are more unsanitized than usual

It's a good thing Sung Woo's hat appears to fit properly given South Korea's recent capsize issues.

For your own sake, may you never truly understand depression. But since you also don't understand empathy, do shut up.

Calm down tough guy.

You're clearly an idiot

Man fuck you, seriously fuck you. You don't know what was in this guy's head. What demons he was dealing with in his depression and addiction. You think his wife and kids didn't cross his mind, or that this was an easy decision for him to make. Man, fuck you.

The irony here is that his wife has been trying to trade his balls for new ones for years.

Listen. In all seriousness. This is the funniest tweet I've ever seen in my life.

Peter King: God, did you hear about Robin Williams?