Gary Czosnykowski

This is a great article. I just start and I'm trying to learn French. I'll definitely try some of these techniques, thanks!

I feel like this would make it inconvenient when you're choosing the next book/movie/game you want to get into and don't physically have anything there.

Sound advice. It's never a good idea to act out of passion even if the actions or feelings don't seem extreme.

I just graduated but I'm heavily considering going back to graduate school. This certainly does not make the idea more appealing. The government generally tries to encourage positive behavior through fiscal activity, maybe they've decided as a country we've become too educated or are wasting our opportunities on

This is a fantastic idea, I already employ it. I have one e-mail address set aside just for when people at retailers ask for you e-mail and things of that nature, one for business and one for personal use. Having different e-mail accounts for different things makes it easier to keep your life organized.

The game is called The Legend of Zelda. The hint specifically differentiates between the character and the game so I don't really see the controversy.

The advances of the personal computer have made just about everything in life easier. Communication, buying, research, homework, you name it. That being said, one thing I do miss from when I was a kid was how excited and how gullible we would be over fake or real video game cheats. It was more exciting when you had to

I think resume style is one of the million things every job-hunter frets over endlessly. The talent pool out there is very deep and any little thing could disqualify a candidate from a position, having a sloppy or overly dull looking resume may mean the difference between it getting tossed into the garbage and moving

As in just quit and never show up again? That's not okay regardless of how you do it. If you're talking about putting in your 2 weeks notice then I suppose if you work for a large enough company an e-mail to HR might be necessary but you would still want to notify your supervisor and anyone that's going to be

Great deal, thanks so much for this!

Great deal, thanks so much for this!

This is a great article, the Done List seems particularly helpful. I am a firm believer in positive thinking, you just get better results when you're feeling confident.